If you would like to Download and keep our video clips for your collection (and possible portable viewing), then we have the following available:
Bunkai Strategies 2012 (Complete - 34 video clips) $10
Bunkai Strategies 2013 week 1- 50 just $29.95 for 4 hours of footage
Bunkai Strategies 2014 week 1-50 just $50 for over 4 hours of footage about core principles.
Bunkai Bootcamp 2013 Rough Cut (3 hours 27 minutes of tuition from 4 days of teaching principle after principle) $125
B.A.M.A. Seminar 2013 (weekend course tuition by Neil Ellison 5th dan sensei, John Burke 5th dan sensei, & Martyn Harris 5th dan sensei - Xing Yi, bunkai, and Kempo principles in action) $29.95
Heian Bunkai Workshop Roughcut video footage from 18th January 2014 available now at $29.95
Pressure Points in Kata Bunkai 1 hour video download now available at $24.95
If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you.
John Burke's Bunkai Strategies
Karate Academy, King Street Studios, King Street, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 2LG, United Kingdom