Welcome to Bunkai TV
Our main site is www.bunkai.co.uk.  That's where you can find our range of Karate Kata Bunkai DVDs, Books, and Downloads
On this page we share the video clips about practical applications to moves from Karate kata.  They are a taster of what is on the DVDs.  Over the years we have featured our core concepts for Kata bunkai, examples of various moves, and answered viewers' questions. 
This year's videos for 2018 are to be found here:
  Each week we have the free clip here, and the expanded and enhanced version is emailed to Bunkai Gold subscribers as a download for them to keep.

Here's a little bonus, following a discussion on the Bunkai Strategies Facebook group, about Manji Gamae, or manji uke 

Here are the other videos from 2018:

You can see our free clips on our Youtube channel
and stay in touch on Facebook Bunkai Strategies Group
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 The videos on this page are copyright John Burke © 2014, 2015,2016, 2017 & 2018.
They are produced for the sake of education about the possibilities contained within Karate Kata with relation to self defence.  They must not be construed as advice as to what is legally or morally acceptable in any particular part of the world.
As always, martial arts training should be undertaken with the guidance and oversight of a qualified instructor.
Demonstrations shown here are not shown at full speed and power, and the distances have been exaggerated to allow the viewer to understand what is happening.
John Burke's Bunkai Strategies
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